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Peróxidos do Brasil starts work on the new hydrogen peroxide plant in Chile

Peroxidos Coronel -Terraplanagem

Curitiba - PR, November 2020 - Peróxidos do Brasil, a joint venture between the Solvay Group and Produtos Químicos Makay (PQM), begins the assembly of the construction site and the foundation for the installation of a new hydrogen peroxide production unit (H2O2) at the Coronel Industrial Park, in the Bio Bio region. 50 million dollars will be invested.

The first phase of the project aims at a production capacity of 23KT per year. The new plant will be installed in the same area as the Distribution Terminal, which also underwent recent investments in improvements in paving the yard and internal accesses and for the fire fighting system.

The Chilean engineering company Pares & Alvarez is conducting the detailing project and is also part of the construction works management team. The main equipment with long lead time of supply has already been ordered.

“The start of construction works for the factory reinforces our commitment to the region's pulp, mining and aquaculture customers, following their growth projects and reinforcing the level of reliability in supply”, comments Carlos Silveira, CEO of Peróxidos do Brasil.

Hydrogen peroxide is an essential industrial input for industries that supply products for our daily lives: food and beverages, personal and cosmetic products, soaps and detergents, white and recycled papers, metals, plastics and polymers, as well as of medical-hospital disinfectants. It is also applied in the treatment of drinking water, water and industrial effluents, treatment of sewers, rivers and lagoons, control of gaseous emissions, remediation of contaminated soils and in the agriculture and floriculture sector, where they are used in microbiological control.


About Peróxidos do Brasil

Peróxidos do Brasil is a joint venture of the Solvay Group and the company Produtos Químicos Makay (PQM) for the manufacture of hydrogen peroxide and other derived products, with applications in several markets. Largest plant for the world market, Peróxidos do Brasil has an industrial unit in Curitiba (PR), with a production capacity of 230 thousand tons per year, and a myH2O2® unit, in Imperatriz, in the state of Maranhão (MA),  to exclusively supply Suzano Papel e Celulose. Peroxidos do Brasil is part of the global Peroxides business unit of the Solvay Group, which has 17 industrial plants in North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Australia. Learn more at

About the Solvay Group

Solvay is a scientific company whose technologies broadly benefits  our daily lives. With 24,100 employees in 64 countries, Solvay brings people, ideas and elements together to reinvent progress. The Group seeks to create sustainable shared value for all, mainly through the Solvay One Planet program, developed around three pillars: protecting the climate, preserving resources and promoting a better life. The Group's innovative solutions contribute to safer, cleaner and more sustainable products, which can be found in homes, food and consumer goods, airplanes, cars, batteries, smart devices, health equipment, water and air purification systems. Founded in 1863, Solvay is today among the top three companies in the world in most of its activities and achieved net sales of € 10.2 billion in 2019. Solvay is listed on Euronext Brussels (SOLB) and Paris and the United States, where shares (SOLVY) are traded through an ADR Level I program. In Brazil, Solvay also operates under the Rhodia brand. Learn more at

More information to the press about Peróxidos do Brasil