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Peroxides Food processing solutions

Food, Beverage and Aseptic Packaging

Hydrogen Peroxide

The food grade product is used for disinfectant wash in many steps of food processing. It is also the disinfectant used by excellency in packaging machine for Tetrapak packages. It is also used in water potabilization stations, since the control of microalgae by inactivation to the pre-oxidation, which can be direct or activated with UV or ozone for contaminant removal from the water.


Peracetic Acid 

The product is widely used for equipment disinfection and surface sanitization for the industries of soft drinks, beer and wines, and also in food from animal origin in refrigerators and dairies, being also used in fruits, in the step of smashing for juice production.

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The maintenance of quality, taste, aroma and body of beer is fundamental to the manufacturer, because it guarantees the success and identity of the product in the market. The characteristics are directly related to the precedence of raw materials, process control and non-interference of undesirable microorganisms during the fermentation and maturation process of beer. Among some undesirable microorganisms and its consequences, we can highlight:



a) Acetobacter or Gluconobacter genus
Production of acetic acid from ethanol, giving acid taste to beer

b) Lactobacillus genus
Production of lactic acid from glucose, giving cloudy aspect to beer

c) Enterobacter genus
Production of penolic compounds, giving “medicinal” taste to beer


Wild yeasts 

Cause attenuation of beer taste. Of all contaminations, the presence of wild yeasts, including wild strains of S.cerevisiae, is the most difficult to detect, control and eliminate. That occurs due to the morphological, biochemical and serological likeness with the yeast usually used for maturation of beer. 

PERÓXIDOS DO BRASIL has developed the peracetic acid based PROXITANE line, specifically to the food industry, that offers the following benefits in the control of problematic microorganisms in a brewery:


Additional Benefits:

  • It’s effective against molds, yeasts, bacteria (including spores), viruses and algae. No development of any microbial resistance has been observed.
  • Usually peracetic acid dispenses rinsing, since its decomposition products (traces of acetic acid, water and oxygen) don’t alter the chemical taste of the product to be manufactured in the vat.
  • The concentration of peracetic acid is easily determined through analysis methods provided by PERÓXIDOS DO BRASIL.
  • It's a disinfectant of easy application and very quick action.
  • It doesn’t produce foam, being ideal for the food industry.
  • It’s active in a wide range of concentration and temperature.
  • It’s compatible with stainless steel (see product manual).
  • Under the advised conditions, it doesn’t affect the biological effluent treatment (aerobic or anaerobic), once its decomposition products are totally biocompatible. 
  • Can reduce Biological Oxygen demand (BOD) of wastewaters.

Peracetic Acid in the Treatment of Dairy Products

PROXITANE® is a line of disinfectants constituted of a balanced mixture of peracetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid and stabilizer. Its main active compound, the peracetic acid, is among the most powerful known microbicides.
For all its characteristics and benefits, the peracetic acid is the ideal disinfectant for the food industry, particularly dairy, cheese and yogurt producers. 



  • Dairy products with clean-in-place (CIP) system 
  • Pre-disinfection of plate heaters
  • Disinfection of piping
  • Washing and disinfection of storage and transport tanks
  • Disinfection of work tables, surfaces and cheese molds.


Additional benefits

  • It’s effective against molds, yeasts, bacteria (including spores), viruses and algae. 
  • No development of any microbial resistance has been observed.
  • Usually peracetic acid dispenses rinsing, since its decomposition products (traces of acetic acid, water and oxygen) don’t alter the chemical taste of the product to be manufactured in the vat.
  • The concentration of peracetic acid is easily determined through analysis methods provided by PERÓXIDOS DO BRASIL.
  • It's a disinfectant of easy application and very quick action.
  • It doesn’t produce foam, being ideal for the food industry.
  • It’s active in a wide range of concentration and temperature.
  • It’s compatible with stainless steel (see product manual).
  • It’s a disinfectant of easy application and very quick action.

In USA, almost 6 million people get sick from foodborne illness 1,300 die anually. Cientists of the Center of Disese Control (Department of Food Safety) calculate that approximately 50% of the cases are due to contamination by Salmonella sp, present in derivatives of chicken.
The maintenance of low bacterial contamination levels in chicken carcasses is also essential in the quality of the final product, being directly related to the expiration date, aspect, odor, consistency and consumer well-being.
The Salmonella sp, even though not accepted globally as part of the natural external microflora of live poultry, appears frequently in slaughtered chicken, representing a potential risk for the health of the final consumer. The measures adopted today for control of this contamination in the process of chicken slaughter are efficient, as long as they are rigorously followed, for example:

  • Care in the technique of evisceration;
  • Washing of carcasses with chlorinated water;
  • Cooling of carcasses with chlorinated water;
  • Continuous exchange of chiller water to avoid accumulation of organic matter;


Traditionally, chlorination is an important way of contamination control, but it presents some disavantadges:

  • In low temperatures, chlorine has its microbicide activity decreased. Increase in chlorine levels lead to organoleptic alterations of the final product.
  • Chlorine in the presence of organic matter promotes the formation of toxical organochlorine compounds that are controlled in many importer countries, like Japan and the European Community.


Based on this, PERÓXIDOS DO BRASIL  has developed the peracetic acid line PROXITANE®, for a better decontamination of chicken carcasses, with the following advantages:

  • The products of degradation have low toxicity (water, oxygen and traces of acetic acid).
  • It’s effective against molds, yeasts, bacteria (including spores), viruses and algae. No development of any microbial resistance has been observed. Promotes oxidation and undoes sulfhydryl groups and disulfide bonds (-S-S) from the microbial enzymes, interrupting metabolic processes.
  • Alters the chemical-osmotic balance of the microbial membrane.
  • Oxidizes the cytoplasmic membrane of the microorganism, and can cause disruption of cell wall.
  • The action of peracetic action is potentialized by its other components (acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide).
  • No resistance mechanism against the peracetic acid has been observed yet.
  • Peracetic acid isn't carcinogen, mutagenic nor allergenic.
  • Since the resultant products of its decompostion are water, oxygen and traces of acetic acid, it assists in wastewater treatment.
  • It’s totally solluble in water, in any proportion, and doesn’t form any foam.
  • Doesn’t form toxic derivatives in the presence or organic matter.
  • Doesn’t give any strange taste to the carcasses;
  • It’s effective at low temperatures.
  • The residual products are inocuous.
  • There is a reduction of up to 99% in the count of total mesophilics, with elimination of all of Salmonella sp.

The use of hydrogen peroxide for maw and tripe bleaching is a process employed in large scale by the refrigerators of the whole world. Hydrogen Peroxide combines its efficiency as bleaching agent with the advantage of not altering the product taste. 
Besides that, it doesn’t leave any toxic residues, because it decomposes in water and oxygen, as in the following reaction :

H2O2 → H2O + ½ O2

It ensures the quality of the bleaching processes and aims to better serve this segment. See our product line for many concentrations of food-grade hydrogen peroxide. 


Bleaching of maw

The bleaching of maw is divided in two steps:

1) Cleaning: 

The cleaning is done after a lime bath. The use of alkaline products, aside from easing the cleaning, also favors the distention of the fibers. 

O uso de produtos alcalinos, além de facilitar a limpeza, também favorece a distenção das fibras.

2) Bleaching:

The bleaching process is responsible for removing of the Brown coloring, aside from matching the final white.


Bleaching of tripe 

After going through a cleaning process with water and brine conservation, the tripe is again washed for removal of salt. It is then put in a bath with hydrogen peroxide for bleaching.